Receive The Bulletin
Scleroderma Quebec publishes a semi-annual magazine (Le Bulletin) intended for scleroderma patients and health professionals.
Le Bulletin keeps members up-to-date on developments and events taking place within Scleroderma Quebec. It covers a broad range of topics, from how to meet the needs of those impacted by the disease, to new advances in scleroderma research, or the latest medical treatments and care options. It also includes moving testimonies from scleroderma patients as well as many other articles of interest. All Scleroderma Quebec’s members and donors may receive a free copy of our magazine Le Bulletin, either by post or email.
When you make a donation in the amount of your choice, you automatically become a member.
Thank you in advance for your support.
To become a member or make a donation,
please complete the online donation form.
We need your support and your generosity!