Clinical trials
To be a patient for a research group
You have scleroderma and want to participate in research projects?
Your doctor has diagnosed you with scleroderma.
Research groups wish to follow patients suffering from this disease. Your participation is crucial to the success of research. The more patients participate, the better the chances of successful results.
Participants wanted
You want to help research projects move forward?
You have scleroderma?
The rheumatology department of the Montreal Jewish General Hospital, under the direction of Dr Murray Baron, is actively participating in several studies on scleroderma, including some medications clinical trials and psychosocial research.
To learn more on the different types of studies, please contact:
Maura Buchignani, Rn
Jewish General Hospital
Rheumatology department, Dr Murray Baron, principal researcher
Telephone: 514-340-8222 extension 3468